Austin Craft Brewery
Beers | Critterfest | Q&A | About

The Austin Craft Brewery was originally founded as the Austin Beer Company in late 2008. Its focus has always been on creating one of kind, delicious, unique beers. Our mantra is it's better to have too much flavor than not enough.

In 2012, Austin Craft Brewery made large strides in production capacity. In March we were able to catch a break and make a large acquisition of used brewing equipment. In addition to copious amounts of miscellaneous parts and pieces, we acquired a full SABCO Brew Magic brewing system. This is the same pilot system used by Dogfish Head to create new beers. The system is also being used by the Whip In, a local brew pub/convenience store/Indian restaurant/music venue. It's been a lot of work getting it cleaned up and running, but it's been worth it. We are brewing 100% of our beers on this system. Other accomplishments this year have included our official logo, the construction of a new fermentation room, and this website.

Looking toward the future, we are trying to further expand our brewing capabilities. We are at the drawing board designing a much larger brew system that will be capable of brewing a full barrel of beer (2 full kegs or approximately 13 cases). We are currently taking bids for the construction of the brew stand, so if you happen to know any welders then please send them our way. The brewery size will also be growing as we move to another founding member’s garage. We hope to see everyone at one of our two events, Critterfest or Texas Independence day to sample our current line up of new beers.

All inquiries please contact Justin Lindenmuth,